Saturday, September 7, 2013

life updates and a drunk cover!

This was definitely not the best cider I've had but it got me tipsy enough to record a cute new cover of I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie as part of a new series I'm going to do. Bi-monthly, I will drink alcohol and then do a cover. Stay tuned for next week's song on Wednesday night!


My brother, Thom, and I hiked through the Smith and Bybee Wetlands last week and found a turtle!

On Thursday, I put my hair into some crazy lil buns and walked to the park. This was an interesting day that started out gloomy and boring, then it got very stormy and was raining sideways. Me and my room mates walked in the rain to get ice cream. Then the day ended with some brother sister bonding, lots of tears, and pizza.

And, lastly, this is where I work. It's a doggie daycare/pet boarding facility called Noah's Arf (haha). I love my job. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Skinny Love

My honest opinion is that I do not like this recording. I am going to work on a better one soon. This song is heartfelt and soft. I belted the whole thing and it doesn't sound right. Rookie move.

I found these shoes on my home from work and they are a size too small! I'm so sad because they are so cute!

Friday, August 23, 2013


One of my co-workers kept bugging me about making youtube videos, but I told him I thought it was too awkward. So, I did it anyway. Here's Wolf by First Aid Kit. I feel like they have influenced my sound the most out of any other female vocals I've heard.

Recently, I flew to California for my best friend's funeral. It was a very sad weekend but full of adventure and fun. My older brother, younger sister and I hiked up Mt. Baldy. My friend had a rad birthday party, in which I got too drunk and had to be carried away haha. Then, some friends and I went hiking along Deep Creek in Hisperia and swam under some waterfalls. I love California.
I also dyed my hair pink and got my septum pierced! 
My dad is up in Portland for the weekend. He and my brother are backpacking on Mt. Hood. Jealous. This was from breakfast this morning at Vita Cafe on Alberta. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Tanner Springs Park

This is the park that is closest to my work. I don't know if its my favorite but I come here everyday after work on the weekends because I work 10 and 9 hours shifts and am usually too tired to bike home. I sit here and draw or write or and listen to music. Sometimes I just sit in silence and do nothing.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Walk II

I went for a walk this evening and I always try to pet any cat I see. I pet five this time. One's name was Spot and another's was Emmy Lou. (They aren't pictured.) I love walking around my neighborhood. It's so pretty and calming.

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Daylight Here

The Daylight Here by My Terrible Friend

The first song Thom and I ever recorded. Still one of my favorites.


My most recent song, that frankly, I'm quite proud of.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Walk I

this morning after i finished my coffee i went for a walk with no destination. i ended up at the park near my house. while i was taking pictures of myself i notice two little boys were hiding in a bush staring at me. so i waved at them and continued what i was doing, haha. now i'm off to work.
i think i want to make this my art blog for all my different mediums of whatever it is i do: music, drawings, writings, and photos