Monday, July 29, 2013

Walk II

I went for a walk this evening and I always try to pet any cat I see. I pet five this time. One's name was Spot and another's was Emmy Lou. (They aren't pictured.) I love walking around my neighborhood. It's so pretty and calming.

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Daylight Here

The Daylight Here by My Terrible Friend

The first song Thom and I ever recorded. Still one of my favorites.


My most recent song, that frankly, I'm quite proud of.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Walk I

this morning after i finished my coffee i went for a walk with no destination. i ended up at the park near my house. while i was taking pictures of myself i notice two little boys were hiding in a bush staring at me. so i waved at them and continued what i was doing, haha. now i'm off to work.
i think i want to make this my art blog for all my different mediums of whatever it is i do: music, drawings, writings, and photos